Goal Management Training® is a cognitive rehabilitation program grounded in neuroscientific principles. It is designed to help individuals with impairments in executive functioning improve their planning and ability to achieve goals.
If you are a participant in the program, our goals are to help you:
- Raise awareness of your own problem solving and attention.
- Take control by taking time to stop and think.
- Learn strategies to help with planning and remembering to do things.
- Reduce anxiety and pressure, and increase confidence.
This program is designed for individuals who report problems with executive functioning in everyday life. These difficulties may be associated with diverse medical and/or mental health conditions. The program is not intended for individuals who have been diagnosed with dementia.
The program is well-suited for persons who demonstrate:
- Self-report of problems with everyday executive functioning (e.g., disorganized, overwhelmed, distractible, can’t complete tasks, can’t prioritize, can’t remember things)
- Worry, frustration, and/or dissatisfaction with these problems
- Openness to learning new skills to address these problems
- Sufficient memory function to carry educational information forward across weekly sessions
An individual suitability interview is arranged with all referred clients to review the above prior to any offer of admission.
Program format
The program is typically delivered in a small group workshop that consists of 9 weekly 2-hour meetings. Group meetings are a mix of teaching, discussion, practice exercises, and review of homework. Participants who attend groups and complete homework tend to obtain the most benefit from the program.
This program is offered virtually via Zoom. In-person programs are considered when there is sufficient interest from clients.
Program fee
There is a program fee of $300 that includes a participant workbook. Private health insurance plans may cover this cost (services provided by a psychologist). Some financial assistance is available for those who cannot afford the program fee.
How to refer
A clinician referral is required. Referrals are accepted from clinicians located anywhere in Ontario. Please fill out the following referral form and fax to 416-578-4235 or send by e-mail to neuropsychreferrals@baycrest.org.
Internal referrals from Baycrest Hospital can be made through the order entry module of the MEDITECH system (GMT suitability assessment), or sent by fax to x4235 or by e-mail to neuropsychreferrals@baycrest.org on an internal consultation request form.
For more information
Goal Management Training was developed at Baycrest. Please visit https://gmt.learnworlds.com/ for information about program background, evidence base, materials, and train-the-trainer workshops for health care professionals. A list of therapists who provide this training is also maintained at this site.
For more information about the Goal Management Training service at Baycrest, contact the program team at 416-785-2500 ext.2445.